About Shalam Staff
Founder and President – Reverend Ryan Hatch, a graduate of Moody Bible Institute (’11) with a bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies, is ordained through The Missionary Church International. Founded in 2013 after a decade of prayer and preparation, Shalam Ministries is the actualization of the bold vision God has given Ryan for aiding both survivors of trauma and those who serve them. Preparation has included focused ministry growth through restoration in Christ and working in cooperation with experienced counselors and their clients. He has supported them as survivors of severe trauma are helped through various forms of counseling. Ryan is a vigorous defender of the wounded and advocate for survivors to victoriously thrive. Through the years Ryan has been supporting trauma survivors while walking through their darkest struggles and is highly adept at being the friend they need in those moments. Ryan is also highly skilled in design, carpentry, project management, sustainable living, land management and conservation. Ryan is working full time at Shalam to build the ministry. This includes planning and designing Hero’s Rest, discipling young believers with enormous potential, and developing outreach plans for Shalam Ministries.

Trauma Support Staff and Treasurer – Mrs. Cheryl Hatch, a Moody Bible Institute graduate (’14) with a Bachelor of Music Degree in voice, is a joyful peacemaker as she shares the beauty and love of Christ with a hurting world. Prior to her undergraduate studies, Cheryl spent fifteen months in Romania caring for abandoned babies and ministering to at risk mothers and their children. She is committed to reaching the lost and broken with the gospel and leading brothers and sisters in Christ to a path of completion in the Lord. Cheryl is very eager to be able to extend invitations to Hero’s Rest and provide a warm hospitable welcome to each and every guest. Cheryl is instrumental in carrying out many of the administrative tasks such as accounting, web design, correspondence, and fund raising. While working full-time for Shalam, she also is a highly skilled vocal performer and music teacher. She is actively mentoring her students, and is thrilled to be able to bless others with her gifts and talents.

Trauma Support Staff and Secretary – Ms. Carissa Remillard, a graduate of Moody Bible Institute (’11), is a passionate minister of the Gospel and a beautiful communicator of the reality of the believer’s union with Christ. A few years after receiving her bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies, she joined Shalam Ministries. In the years between college and Shalam, she was ministering at a local church in Chicago, evangelizing and discipling street youth. There she saw the need for in-depth counseling and sanctifying work for those at the edge of society. Because she was living in the church she ministered at, she also saw the need for rest and continued healing for those in full-time ministry. Carissa is on her own journey of growing deep with Jesus and is learning to lead others on that path of completion. Working full-time for Shalam Ministries, Carissa is a passionate and effective minister. She praises God for each opportunity to share the truth about the world and the love and restoration Jesus alone offers.